The last update about a jerk name Chris Crocker has stayed on the headline for almost a week, DAMNED! Whole week of disappearance! kaka, and i'm here to tear him down XD. After regaining myself, i'm now trying to 'remind back' and do some page refreshings here. (btw i'm now seriously sick... this can get any terrible at any time... emo lar) First thing to say is that i've thoroughly cleaned my room (i used to do this thing once in a while when i was really freaked by boredom), and redesigned the layout of my room (but basically not much thing to put in orders, but i kind like the new arrangements which greatly help exposing any possible SMALL STRONG hideouts ""tanks to orange for such fabulous name""). This is not the main point yet, found myself being seriously inhabited by many wide spread red dots and rash all over my skin, and they were able to track down my blood vessels and they simply grew on the tracks... GELI enough to even think about it... After finish cleaning and yes, my whole body was in RED (too bad that dint turn me into a Spiderman, ACHARR! =p) Got a bath, and went to sleep. It was 3.00am by then, dardar don't worry k.
15March, woke up quite late actually coz it was super tiring after that cleaning up and my whole body was feeling so terrible (peal my skin off pls anyone...) so went to pharmacy for medication aids and BOO, all closed. Alright then, i guaranteed myself that forever i won't go to a doctor unless that mr.white aint gonna charge me a RM40 for just a visit to the 'white house', and i love the pharmacists! Come, lemme give you all a big *hug*~ Then i'll slap you all, for not opening on Sundays, go to hell you all pharmacists. *piak piak*
and the little pinoccio appeared during 16March, 17March and 18March. Heavy.
Life went on the Thursday then, but i din't really call it as something i really enjoy. Skin was still severely affected by those poisonous pops and it was diagnosed as some kind of system failing to filter blood, took some super pink colour pills and had some really itchy life. Thank God you healed me quite soon... I had a really horrible day staying at home practising drawing for Friday's big test, everyone was damned FED-UP for such kacau-ing event. My fingers were all in vains, painful lar... Hoping that i was really ready for such thing that decides my whole designing path... *perhaps*
FRIDAY the BIG DAY. I'd prefer to skip the whole morning and go to the evening, you should know why. XD anyway this week's saturday Teen Scene is cancelled due to school holiday so i was not really so tensed up going to aunt house or what, that friday evening was quite enjoyable... HEY did i say enjoyable? Nope, i din't. And that night was the first time i hanged the call before dardar did, it stroke me hard, and i pondered, and hanging the phone was very much more hurtful than listening the doot doot doot sound coming out from the ended calls back then... Sorry, i finally cried once again. (and dardar's existence really keep me far away from tears and i can only cry when this becomes barely valid for me, sorry)
Saturday, early morning received a call from dardar, saying her not feeling well, very dizzy, uneasy and feeling nausey as well. Din't know how i managed to typed few smses whilst i was actually sleeping... i was really worried, but i din't wake up, tears made my eyelids heavy and i couldn't make myself up. Slept a few more hours and woke up because the room was too WARM to describe that i was sleeping in sweat, went for a bath and Joyce called. So i decided to leave my little cozy sexy nest and join them up for lunch. It was around afternoon.
Here i would like to deliver my thousands of thank you to Yellowman, while i was really roaming about with the people i ran out of credit again. GREAT, reload system of DiGi is damned superb. Was forced to reload which i hate the most, every time i top up and my line will be barred for 20 minutes, i was only able to make calls and all smses were forbidden at the *beautiful* waiting period. Received something that almost made me burst into tears again, but i knew that it was my problem, i made somebody so worried again, i tried to explain... i don't need your trust, but i just hope you can listen to my explanations, you don't need to believe everything, you can go with your heart, i don't mind whatever you do, i'm not feeling sad, not feeling any anger, i was really too anxious and too forcing myself and pulling myself along way too fast, maybe. I just... forget it, i'm always with you, you are NOT a burden.
Sun shined like it was really going to melt down Sunway Pyramid, i decided to wander around with them some more instead of again, skipping away without anyone's knowledge, "Where's Mark?". I'm not going to burn myself going home under that stupid sunshine, and i'm not going to become a snowwhite either LOL. My nose had some fun with me and i sneezed quite a few times, wondered if it was because someone was missing me so much, or CURSING me so much. Was that you?? xD Went home about sunset, weather finally cooled down a bit.
I got home and dropped into deep sleep, the rest was so blur i just remembered i din't really sleep well even i really had a very long sleep from evening to Sunday afternoon.
2 replies:
Ouch! Hope everything is well with you now! Especially those rashes... Sounds very vile and wicked! I'm surprise you didn't get admitted to the hospital the way you've put it!
But hmm... Your dardar and you arr! All the best la!
yea, agree with kenji
ish, mark ni.....
glad that u are fine now... but wait, are u fine now?! grhhhh...
good that u dun repeat the sudden disappearance again. "wheres mark?!' i hate to ask such a ques...
joyce? ur new classmate huh?
wow, sounds great that u ve got a new gang of frens.
no wonder i got abandoned~ =P
all the best with ur darl!
yea, all the best la...
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